ArtReach’s 2020 Granting Program (Toronto) – Artbridges

ArtReach’s 2020 Granting Program (Toronto)

ArtReach’s 2020 Granting Program (Toronto)

« Deadline: Saturday, February 1st, 2020 @ 11:59PM ET

ArtReach is a funding program designed to support youth arts initiatives in Toronto that foster youth engagement and provide high quality arts opportunities. $300,000 in grants are available each year to support youth arts projects, thanks to our partnership with the Toronto Arts Council.

ArtReach aims to support innovative youth arts projects that may not be supported elsewhere. ArtReach is about access, reducing barriers, and increasing opportunities for youth, individual artists, and organizations/ collectives to create or continue quality arts projects or programming. New and emerging art forms will be considered, and are encouraged. »


​The initiatives we fund must:

  • Support meaningful engagement of Toronto youth (13-29) who have experienced exclusion from active participation in quality arts opportunities
  • Serve youth living in Toronto, with priority for those who identify as belonging to an under-served community
  • Be offered by individual artists under 30 or groups/ organizations lead by youth under 30 in Toronto
  • Encourage creative expression through quality arts opportunities and foster meaningful youth engagement in project design, implementation and evaluation
  • Promote social inclusion and provide opportunities for youth to develop leadership skills, build their personal and professional capacity, and access opportunities within their communities
  • Provide opportunities for youth to benefit from both the intrinsic (e.g. personal enjoyment, creative expression) and instrumental value (e.g. community engagement, skills development, social change) of the arts
  • Offer an ongoing workshop series that engages the same group of participants for each session. Drop-in style programming and one-time events not eligible for ArtReach funding »

For more information on the program, please visit:

-from ArtReach
Read ArtReach’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-engaged Arts Directory & Map

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