Arts Engage! Symposium: Update (Halifax) – Artbridges

Arts Engage! Symposium: Update (Halifax)

Arts Engage! Symposium: Update (Halifax)

« Hi Everyone! Registration for Arts Engage! has been great and we are eagerly counting down the days now before the event starts. The weekend symposium June 18 – 20th – two days of fabulous interactive, hands-on skill-building workshops as well as networking and community-building sessions – for only $40.00!!!! – still has room for participants in some workshops. Register at www.

The Training Intensive (June 14- 18th) is full, but you can send us an email to be added to the list for information about future training opportunities.

Hope to see you at Arts Engage!
Cheers, Terri »

-Terri Whetstone
Executive Director, 4Cs Foundation



… a weekend full of skills building, discussing, and connecting around ideas and inspirations for Arts for Community Engagement. Participatory workshops lead byguest artists from across Canada and local practitioners plus InterAction sessions (including Open Mic, Table Top presentations and a World Studio) provides varied opportunities to expand your knowledge, get your hands dirty, try out new activities, meet new people and connect with friends.

Program at a Glance

Opening Evening
5:30 – 7:30pm June 18, 2010
Please join us Friday evening to mingle and munch as we open the weekend Symposium with special guests: Circus Circle, Team Possibles, Alan Shain, and Shauntay Grant with guests, Sophie Kaufman and Desiree Adams. Light snacks and beverages will be served.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

8:30 – 9:00 am Arrival
Pick up conference package and meet new and old friends
Located in the Community Gathering Room
9:00 – 9:30 Welcome
Fluxus Bingo with Valerie Salez
9:30 – 12:30 Community Stepping Stones with Glen Anderson
Authentic Community Engagement (Part 1) with Miro Davis and Jeanie Cockell
Arts and Social Engagement (Part 1) with Jen Delos Reyes
Placemaking with City Repair with Michael Cook
DisTHIS! with Michele Decottignies
12:30 – 1:30 pm Lunch and InterAction Open Mic session
with host, Matthew Carswell of the 4Cs Foundation Art Bikers
Located in the Community Gathering Room
1:30 – 4:30 Simple Gestures: Activate Space Activate People with Valerie Salez
Common Circles: Addressing Violence Through Art with Danette Exner
Placemaking with City Repair with Michael Cook
DisTHIS! with Michele Decottignies
Giant Puppets with Team Possibles
Explorations in Dance and Community-making with Penny Couchie andRuth Howard
4:30 – 5:00 Large gathering, reflecting on the day, closing of Day 1
Located in the Community Gathering Room

Sunday, June 20, 2010

8:30am (early arrival) Arrival
8:30 – 9:00 Welcome Back and Key Themes from Day 1
Located in the Community Gathering Room
9:00 – 12:00 Common Circles: Addressing Violence Through Art with Danette Exner
Authentic Community Engagement (Part 2) with Miro Davis and Jeanie Cockell
Arts and Social Engagement (Part 2) with Jen Delos Reyes
Story Builders with Melissa Marr and Heather Wilkinson
Placemaking with City Repair with Michael Cook
DisTHIS! with Michele Decottignies
12:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch into InterAction Table Top session
Located in the Community Gathering Room
2:00 – 4:00 World Studio with Gerard McNeil
Located in the Community Gathering Room
4:00 – 5:00 Large Gathering in the Community Gathering Room, Reflection, Next Steps

Arts Funding Organizations – representatives from the Canada Council for the Arts, The Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture: Culture Division, Halifax Regional Municipality Community Grants and HRM Community Relations and Cultural Affairs Division will be available to provide information about funding opportunities for community arts. Times and location to be announced.

*Please note that short breaks during the workshops are at the discretion of the workshop facilitators.

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for contact information.

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