Resource: Arts Equity Video Series (Neighbourhood Arts Network) – Artbridges

Resource: Arts Equity Video Series (Neighbourhood Arts Network)

Resource: Arts Equity Video Series (Neighbourhood Arts Network)

« Neighbourhood Arts Network is very excited to share the Arts & Equity Video Series, using creative methods to communicate and virtually convene to spark conversation about arts equity and practicing the associated principles in a community setting.

In this 1st video learn about how flexibility and adaptability as an overarching principle to applying an arts & equity lens in your work and creative practice. In order to be equitable when engaging communities, it is necessary to be responsive. Video #1 & worksheet can be found here:,-flexibility

The 2nd video speaks to how reflexivity and relationships starts with critical self-reflection; reflecting on how our own position fits with those we aim to work with. This sort of reflection helps when working to build and maintain relationships. Video #2  & worksheet can be found here:,-reflexivity

The 3rd video addresses to how relevance and representation is used to make art more relevant to individuals and communities. Art can be a tool for social change! Be inclusive, relevant and representative of your community. Video #3 & worksheet can be found here:,-relevance-an

In this 4th video learn how to be rooted within existing community contexts and initiatives. Consideration of community priorities and a clear benefit for participation is key! Video #4 & worksheet can be found here:,-embeddedness

In this 5th demonstrates how inclusive and mutual support can sustain individuals and collectives in community arts practices. Video #5 & worksheet can be found here:,-sustainabili »

-submitted by Neighbourhood Arts Network
Read Neighbourhood Arts Network’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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