Arts & Health Project Exhibitions and Cabaret Performance (June 8-12, Vancouver)

Arts & Health Project Exhibitions and Cabaret Performance (June 8-12, Vancouver)

 amoberly dancers

« Arts & Health Project: Healthy Aging Through the Arts recognizes that participating in creative arts practices builds better health in older adults. The project currently runs in Vancouver and North Vancouver, each site with a professional artist, working collaboratively with seniors. Artists and seniors dance, sing, write, paint, create video and develop arts projects together, facilitating the expression of their knowledge and life experiences. The Roundhouse Cabaret Performance and Exhibition is a showcase for this work.

Arts & Health Project Annual Exhibition
June 8th – June 12th

Roundhouse Exhibition Hall
Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre
181 Roundhouse Mews

Arts and Health Project Cabaret Performance and Exhibition June 9th
Tuesday June 9th, 10am – 3pm
Roundhouse Exhibition Hall
Performance and Exhibition are FREE
Lunch: noon – 1pm Cost: $10.00 (please pre-register at front desk) »

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For more info:

-submitted by The Arts and Health Project: Healthy Aging Through the Arts
Read The Arts and Health Project’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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