ArtTransforms Series Episode 4: Art Impassions

ArtTransforms Series Episode 4: Art Impassions

« SKETCH and their partners at TraffikGroup are proud to launch their web series #ArtTransforms: six 90-second video vignettes in which young people reveal their own personal Art Transforms story. The series covers themes like mental health, inclusion, entrepreneurship, and more. Young people share how engaging in the arts at SKETCH has sparked their own personal and artistic transformation. »

« Oddane released his debut album ‘From Yard to Foreign’ in July 2017. In addition to his blossoming music career, He currently works as a youth worker at a local Toronto shelter, and is working on his second album.

On any given night in Toronto, about 2,000 young people are homeless (about 6000 on any night across Canada). For over 20 years, SKETCH has been advocating that access to the arts is a potent response. Through Oddane’s story, we are inspired and compelled to develop more opportunities in the arts for young people to live well and lead in reshaping our communities.

Support the 800 youth that come to SKETCH every year to build their skill base, get access to healthy meals, and become entrepreneurs.

Donate at today. Share Oddane’s story, Art Impassions, and sign up for more stories at »

Click SKETCH’s playlist to view past #ArtTransforms videos in the series.

-from SKETCH
Read SKETCH’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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