# BigFeels: Creating Space for Mental Health in the Arts symposium (Workman Arts) – Artbridges

# BigFeels: Creating Space for Mental Health in the Arts symposium (Workman Arts)

# BigFeels: Creating Space for Mental Health in the Arts symposium (Workman Arts)

« Public Consultations – Be a Part of the Current Conversation about Mental Health!

Workman Arts invites you to contribute to the discussion on the intersectionality of arts and mental health. These consultations will support Workman Arts in developing the #BigFeels: Creating Space for Mental Health in the Arts symposium that will be held in Toronto at the end of May 2018. What kind of supports and resources do artists, arts organizations and mental health advocacy/service-based organizations need to support more inclusive spaces? How do we better support artists with mental health lived experiences? How do we grow as a community to better support and grow with each other? Who are the artists, leaders and organizations you admire that are doing work in the sector? Let’s create meaningful conversations in our communities about mental health!

Public Consultation Dates & Locations:

Public Consultation with Artists with Lived Mental Health Experiences
March 5, 2018 7:30pm-8:30pm
Program Room at Wychwood, Toronto Public Library
1431 Bathurst Street, Toronto

Public Consultation with Arts Organizations
March 6, 2018, 7:30pm-8:30pm
Program Room at Wychwood, Toronto Public Library
1431 Bathurst Street, Toronto

Public Consultation with Mental Health Advocacy/Service-Based Organizations
March 7, 2018 7:30pm-8:30pm
Program Room at Wychwood, Toronto Public Library
1431 Bathurst Street, Toronto

Please RSVP with what night you are attending by March 2, 2018 : parul_pandya[at]workmanarts.com »

-from Workman Arts website
Read Workman Arts’ profile on our Directory and Map of Community-Engaged Arts

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