Business Volunteers for the Arts program to offer $178,920 of gratis legal, accounting, and marketing services to artists (NL) – Artbridges

Business Volunteers for the Arts program to offer $178,920 of gratis legal, accounting, and marketing services to artists (NL)

Business Volunteers for the Arts program to offer $178,920 of gratis legal, accounting, and marketing services to artists (NL)


Business & Arts NL’s “Business Volunteers for the Arts” program to offer $178,920 of gratis legal, accounting, and marketing services to benefit artists

« Over the past year, Business & Arts NL has been recruiting lawyers, accountants, and marketing professionals to take part in Business Volunteers for the Arts, a program designed to connect Newfoundland and Labrador artists with pro bono professional services. Now with 34 volunteers on board (offering a combined total of 1,082 hours of service per year valued at $178,920), Business & Arts NL is pleased to announce the official launch of this program.

How it works
Business Volunteers for the Arts is designed to provide artists and arts organizations with short term, one-off assistance (e.g., review of a legal document, or help filing Registered Charity Information Returns) free of charge.

Applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and while we welcome and encourage all artists to apply, priority will be given to Business & Arts NL members. Matching will depend upon volunteer availability.

If you are an artist or arts organization and would like to be matched with a Business Volunteer for the Arts, please fill out this application.

Ongoing service (e.g., monthly bookkeeping help) is beyond the scope of this program and must be negotiated separately between the artist and business volunteer. Business & Arts NL is not staffed to provide emergency assistance.

Why this program
Business & Arts NL aims to support the growth of the arts sector in the province, increase sustainability and effectiveness of arts organizations, and stimulate social and economic development in the province through the arts.

Business & Arts NL, in partnership with our province’s business community, strives to give artists the support they need in order to make their best work. Running an arts organization or professional arts practice requires a range of specialised skills and knowledge. By encouraging new relationships between artists and businesses, artists can benefit from an expanded support base, while business volunteers have an opportunity to develop leadership skills, gain new perspectives, and make an in-depth contribution to their communities.

Join us
Become a member of Business & Arts NL: Join our Membership
Become a Business Volunteer for the Arts: Business Volunteers for the Arts: Program Overview

Business & Arts NL would like to acknowledge the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, and the 34 business volunteers dedicating time and services in support of this program. »

-from Business & Arts NL media release

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