Call for Community-Led Public Arts Projects Seeking Support (STEPS) – Artbridges

Call for Community-Led Public Arts Projects Seeking Support (STEPS)

Call for Community-Led Public Arts Projects Seeking Support (STEPS)


Have a community project that you’re struggling to launch?
A place you’ve identified for public art but are unsure how to make it happen?
An identified cultural programming gap in your community, but not sure how to fill it?

Since 2011, STEPS has supported BIAs, community groups, and social service agencies across the GTA in realizing projects that foster vibrant public spaces and encourage diverse participation in arts-based initiatives.


If you’re a non arts-based community group, STEPS may be able to help you through:

  • sharing our knowledge and expertise in: project management, partnership development, public outreach,
  • program facilitation, artist recruitment, design development, onsite production and community engagement.
  • supporting a host organization in funding requests through identifying opportunities, grant proposal coaching, providing letters of support.
  • leveraging our relationships within the cultural sector in order to identify collaborating artist(s)/ artistic facilitators/ documentarians who may be a fit for a project.
  • integrating capacity building opportunities within the proposed project for host agencies and/or area residents.

This is NOT A GRANT PROGRAM. We strive to lend support, knowledge, and capacity to projects that may not come to fruition without a strong and experienced community partner. Interested?

  • To request an application, send us an email to renee[at] that outlines the following:
    Tell us about yourself! (Are you an employee at a community agency? A member of an informal community group?)
  • Tell us what you want to do! (Give us the elevator pitch on your project and why it’s important to your community!)
  • Tell us why you want to partner with STEPS! (Based on what you know about us, how do you think partnering with STEPS will benefit your project? Is there anything, in particular, you think we can provide? Anything you’re hoping to learn through working with us?)

The deadline to apply for a 2019 community partnership is Wednesday, March 13, 2019, by 5pm.

The STEPS Initiative is an award-winning charitable arts organization that works in the intersection of culture, community and city-building by animating unlikely spaces with unlikely partners. We seek to inspire cities across Canada and around the world to create welcoming public spaces that reflect, engage and empower communities through artistic excellence. »

For more information, please visit STEPS’ website.

-from STEPS Initiative

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