Call for Artists: Community Arts Workshops (East End Arts, Toronto) – Artbridges

Call for Artists: Community Arts Workshops (East End Arts, Toronto)

Call for Artists: Community Arts Workshops (East End Arts, Toronto)


« Do you facilitate community arts workshops – or have a great idea for one?

In 2017, East End Arts will be offering a series of free community workshops in a range of arts disciplines and to a variety of groups. We will also be hosting skill-exchange workshops at which facilitators can share their expertise and learn from each other.

We’re looking for people in all areas of the arts who have a passion for teaching, leading, and inspiring others, and workshops that involve:

  • Any/all disciplines (music, visual, dance, theatre, writing… you name it!)
  • Hands-on activities
  • Fun and getting people to loosen up and be creative
  • No experience required by participants
  • Particular (though not exclusive) interest in workshops that can be offered in one session, 1-3 hours long

Please note that there are no specific details for this program yet, but we are intending to help support and augment what is already happening in our area. As such, we are not asking for formal proposals, but rather wish to know what you’re doing and/or what you might like to do if given the opportunity, so that we can help develop a series that supports artists and community alike.

If you want to be in the loop, please send us an email. In under 300 words:

Tell us a bit about yourself, your art, and your workshop idea.
Provide a brief description of what your workshop involves:

  • what do participants do/learn/create/experience?
  • what supplies do you need?
  • what ages(s) is it appropriate for?

Please email the above information to: with the subject line “Community Arts Workshops” by January 6, 2017. »

-from East End Arts website
Read East End Arts’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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