Call for Artists: Eighth Street Skatepark Mural Project (Lakeshore Arts, Toronto)

Call for Artists: Eighth Street Skatepark Mural Project (Lakeshore Arts, Toronto)

« Summer 2018, Lakeshore Arts is planning a large mural revitalization project of the Eighth Street skatepark in partnership with StreetARToronto, Toronto Police Service 22 Division,
and Toronto Skateboarding Committee. The project is also receiving financial and promotional support provided by Councillor Mark Grimes, Ward 6. Located in the New Toronto neighbourhood, the Eighth Street Skatepark serves as a hub for skate enthusiasts and local residents. This project aims to replace the current tags and graffiti vandalism found within the park with a series of new murals created by professional artists.

At this time, Lakeshore Arts and the project’s Advisory Committee is looking for applications, due April 30th at 5pm. Artists will be chosen from the applications by a jury composed of the Advisory Committee. Based on a pre-determined sliding scale for artist fees ($500 – $2,000), compensation will be determined with artist based on the size of the final mural design.

How to apply? Fill out the online form which can be found on our Website and join our Facebook group for updates and news about the project.

For more information, please contact Community Programs Coordinator, Adrienne Costantino at communityprograms[at] »

-submitted by Lakeshore Arts
Read Lakeshore Arts’ profile on ArtBridges’ Directory and Map of Community-Engaged Arts

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