Call for Artists: Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival (Community Arts Council of Vancouver) – Artbridges

Call for Artists: Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival (Community Arts Council of Vancouver)

Call for Artists: Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival (Community Arts Council of Vancouver)


« Attention artists who practice outside the mainstream – this festival is for YOU!

The Community Arts Council of Vancouver is very excited to share that we will be hosting the first-ever Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival, August 11-12, 2017.

Once known as Art Brut, Outsider Art refers to the work of any artist who has little or no contact with the mainstream art world, often including low-income, visionary, folk, and aboriginal artists, and artists with mental health diagnoses.

Major cities around the world hold outsider art fairs and festivals, and the CACV team feels that Vancouver outsider artists are ready to join them on the global stage.

We are seeking applications for this first-ever festival by mail or by email until May 1, 2017.

We are proud to say that 100% of sales from this festival will go to exhibiting artists, and performing artists will receive fees for showcasing their work.

Artists facing visible or invisible barriers are invited to apply.

Organizations working with socially excluded artists are encouraged to contact us about group exhibition space.

Application requirements include a 500-word description about you, your practice, and how you view yourself as an artist. There are also specific requirements for the two artist categories: visual artists and performing artists.

CACV will also be hosting four outreach workshops to provide guidance to artists about their applications.

Click here to view the full details about the festival, the outreach workshops, and the application requirements. »

-from CACV website
Read Community Arts Council of Vancouver’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory & Map

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