Call for Community Consultants: Digital Projects (Tangled Art + Disability) – Artbridges

Call for Community Consultants: Digital Projects (Tangled Art + Disability)

Call for Community Consultants: Digital Projects (Tangled Art + Disability)

Do you follow Tangled Art + Disability? Then we may need your help!

« Tangled is conducting paid interviews with artists and audience members as part of an evaluation and exploration of our online presence, accessibility, and community. We, along with everyone else, are feeling the impacts of the shut down. Along with many other arts organizations we are working to shift our programming in response to the shifting habits (and experiences) of our artists and community members. We would like your input to assist us with this shift.

You do not need to be an artist to participate in this call. The only requirement is that you interact with Tangled Art + Disability online and identify as Deaf, Disabled, Mad, or Neurodivergent. We are looking to speak with community members with a wide range of access needs.

Interviews will be conducted remotely, either over the phone, or video call. They will take up to two hours in total, and you will be paid $200. Support workers and ASL interpretation can be booked for interviews through Tangled and the costs will be covered.

If interested, please follow the link to submit a form indicating your interest by August 9, 2020. We will get back to you by August 14, 2020.
Form: Community Consultants: Digital Projects Form

If you require any accommodations to fill out the form, or would like to fill it out over the phone/video call, or if you have any questions about accommodations/access please contact victoria[at] »

For more information, please visit:

-from Tangled Art + Disability

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