Call for Donations (Sudbury Street Arts) – Artbridges

Call for Donations (Sudbury Street Arts)

Call for Donations (Sudbury Street Arts)

« Sudbury Street Arts launched in the fall of 2019 as a weekly arts drop-in space reserved for low-income folks and homeless and/or street involved people. Each Wednesday we’d gather as community members with mixed and shared experiences of homelessness, extreme poverty, immigration, queer identity, gender-based violence, disability, Indigeneity and racialization, to create a space of cultural production, gift giving, and knowledge exchange.

Unfortunately, Covid-19 has interrupted this work and left many without access to the supports and services necessary to meet their basic needs. To this end, we are seeking the following items to be redistributed to community members.

Items can be dropped off at 139 Durham St. – 2nd floor on Tuesdays between 10am-5pm. Please contact mythsandmirrors[at] or (249) 979-1795 to make arrangements or to set up an alternative drop-off time. (*Please note, physical distancing and other public health measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 will be enforced.)

If you’re unable to donate items, we’re also accepting monetary donations. From now until August 31st, 100% of all money raised will go towards the purchase of food and other supplies to be redistributed to community members in need. DONATE HERE!« 

For more information, please visit Myths and Mirrors’ website

-from Myths and Mirrors

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