Call for Instructors: Youth Art Enrichment (Dawson City)

Call for Instructors: Youth Art Enrichment (Dawson City)


« KIAC is seeking instructors for its annual Youth Art Enrichment Program, a four-day intensive arts program for Yukon high school students, held in Dawson City, Yukon in November. Each instructor will teach a group of eight to twelve students in their selected medium for the duration of the program.

The goal of the Youth Art Enrichment program is to provide Yukon high school students with an intensive learning experience in one discipline, giving students the time to develop skills and to learn from professional artists. Examples of previous Youth Art Enrichment courses include:

Digital Photography, Carving, Film, Animation, Improv & Acting, Mixed Media, Beading, Drawing, Painting, Paper-making, Printmaking.
Qualifications: Interested candidates should be practicing artists who have experience working with and instructing youth (ages 14 and up) in an intensive classroom environment. Candidates should also have excellent communication and organizational skills.
Duration: November 1-6, 2016 (program runs from November 2-5)

Wage: $35.00 an hour for class time, preparation, the final exhibition, and clean up – a total of 38 hours. A travel subsidy, meals and accommodation for out-of-town instructors are also provided.

Interested candidates should submit a proposal which includes the following:
1. A detailed course outline for all four days of the program (6 hours a day of classroom time), including a list of necessary materials, supplies and/or technical requirements.

2. A cover letter and CV detailing your experience instructing art-based workshops and working with youth.

3. 6 to 10 samples of your work relating to your proposed course in JPG format

Closing Date for Applications: July 15, 2016 @ 4:30 pm

Please contact the Programs Manager at for more info or to apply. »

Posted with permission from Klondike Institute of Art and Culture
Read KIAC’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map


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