Call for Mural Proposals: « Just Us » (Nia Centre for the Arts) – Artbridges

Call for Mural Proposals: « Just Us » (Nia Centre for the Arts)

Call for Mural Proposals: « Just Us » (Nia Centre for the Arts)

« The “Just Us” art call is a request for mural proposals in support and recognition of Black lives and the rights of Indigenous Peoples produced by StreetARToronto (StART) in collaboration with Nia Centre for the Arts and 7th Generation Image Makers. The “Just Us” art call seeks mural concepts that create awareness surrounding social injustice, equity, race relations and community engagement. The mural proposals should speak to historic and current social issues and movements within Black and Indigenous communities, and the importance, benefits and opportunities to build a better future through inclusion, collaboration and knowledge sharing. An Advisory Panel will select up to 10 projects from the roster to receive up to $3,000 toward the creation of their mural.

The City of Toronto is seeking submissions from street, mural and graffiti artists or artist collectives who have access to a wall exposed to city streets with written authorization from the property owner granting the artist permission to paint their mural concept on the wall. The artwork should speak to past and current injustice against the Black community, and the importance, benefits and opportunities to build a better future through inclusion, collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Nia Centre, along with 7th Generation Image Makers and an Advisory Panel composed of at minimum: two representatives from each community with an arts, equity and inclusion background, and one StART staff, who will review and select up to 10 concepts to receive funding of up to $3000 toward the installation of their mural. All projects must be located in Toronto. »

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