Canada-Wide Call for Performance Proposals: Caminos 2019 – Artbridges

Canada-Wide Call for Performance Proposals: Caminos 2019

Canada-Wide Call for Performance Proposals: Caminos 2019

« CAMINOS returns October 9th – 13th, 2019 to Aki Studio / Daniels Spectrum (585 Dundas St. East, Toronto, ON)
produced by Aluna Theatre in partnership with Native Earth Performing Arts

Deadline for proposals: Friday February 8, 2019

CAMINOS is a week of new performance proposals and works-in-progress from risk-taking artists working in theatre, dance and inter-disciplinary practices. It is our way of inviting audiences to re-imagine the Americas, and to see themselves as part of that re-imagining. In 2017, CAMINOS presented the work of over 80 emerging and established Latin Canadian and Indigenous artists.

We are currently seeking proposals from artists across Canada. The festival’s focus is on work from the Pan-American Diaspora, Indigenous and culturally diverse artists.

Selected projects will be featured during the festival and will receive technical, production, promotional, and artistic support. Submissions are encouraged from both established and emerging creators, in English, Spanish, Spanglish, or any mix thereof. Presentations will run 20-30 minutes in length, and can be presented in any language.

Aluna will select works for CAMINOS that are already in development and will now benefit from a presentation with production elements. The Festival’s goal is to move projects closer to production, and to help artists create strong support material for future funding applications and presentation opportunities.

Shorter works at earlier stages may be selected to present 5-10 minute excerpts during one of the Festival’s cabaret evenings. »

-from Aluna Theatre

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