Call for Submissions: Shine A Light Gala (North Bay, ON) – Artbridges

Call for Submissions: Shine A Light Gala (North Bay, ON)

Call for Submissions: Shine A Light Gala (North Bay, ON)

The Shine A Light Gala takes place on June 13th at the Capital Centre in North Bay and will showcase the successes, contributions and achievements of Aboriginal community members from the North Bay area.

They are currently seeking local artists that would like to attend and display their artwork at the gala. Please contact Dawn Lamothe at 705-472-2811 or if you are interested. The Shine A Light Gala is presented by U-ACT (Urban Aboriginal Communities Thrive) and the North Bay Indian Friendship Centre.


Read more about the Shine A Light below:
« Our Shine A Light Series includes our photo book, which will shine a light on successes and contributions of North Bay and areas Aboriginal community members on a variety of topics, including; music, art, programs, overcoming life challenges, drumming, or giving back to the community. Ultimately, we hope that this book will allow the community to come together in celebrating their amazing achievements as well as identify the capacity within our community. By March 2014, we would like to complete a Shine A Light Photo Book and/or Our Time to Shine Documentary.

We have selected twenty individuals to be honoured at the Gala on June 13th, which are Indian Residential School survivors, professionals who work in the community, and individuals who are respected for their work and contributions to North Bay. We are notifying the twenty individuals who have been nominated and will proceed with a short interview which will be accompanied by individual portraits showcased at our event. We have also have the honour of unveiling the Indian Residential Schooling art by a local artist, a healing initiative funded by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. »

– Posted with permission from Dawn Lamothe, Hon. B.A.
Associate Researcher, U-ACT

For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director,, 905-537-7227
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