Call for Tenants at BC Artscape Sun Wah Community Cultural Hub (Vancouver) – Artbridges

Call for Tenants at BC Artscape Sun Wah Community Cultural Hub (Vancouver)

Call for Tenants at BC Artscape Sun Wah Community Cultural Hub (Vancouver)

« BC Artscape is excited to launch the *Second* Call for Tenants for BC Artscape Sun Wah at 268 Keefer Street.

We invite professional artists and collectives, not-for profit arts, cultural and community organizations, and community groups to apply to be a tenant in the BC Artscape Sun Wah project at 268 Keefer Street in Vancouver’s Chinatown. BC Artscape Sun Wah will bring together a diverse mix of artists, cultural producers, community groups and the public to create a community asset that enriches the area’s unique sense of place.

Units for rent are available on the lower level, 3rd floor and 4th floor for uses including but not limited to: production, exhibition, education, social service provision, programming and administration.

Occupancy is expected in February 2018.

The deadline for applications is Friday, November 3rd at 3PM. »

For more information, how to apply and to see the list from the first Call for Tenants, please visit:

-from BC ArtScape

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