Call for Artists: Métis Crossing Cultural Gathering Centre (Alberta)

Call for Artists: Métis Crossing Cultural Gathering Centre (Alberta)

« Métis Crossing Public Art Call is open to all Indigenous artists and artist teams residing in Alberta, Canada. Artworks will in some way ‘tell the stories of this place’ and respond to the land and history within the
Métis Crossing.

This Call will be adjudicated through an Advisory Committee. Selected artists will be asked to tour the Métis Crossing grounds and meet with staff and stakeholders before submission of final proposal.

There are a total of (two) opportunities listed in this call.

Total Budget for (two) opportunities: $30 000 (maximum, all inclusive)
Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 pm on January 3, 2020
Artists Awarded Contracts: January, 2020
All Art Installations: March, 2020″

For more information, please read the full call here.

About Métis Crossing and Victoria Settlement
Métis Crossing is a Gathering Place located within the Victoria District National Historic Site along the North Saskatchewan River on the Historic Victoria Trail, in Smoky Lake County. Located on five original Métis River Lots that were established during the Fur Trade era, Métis Crossing is nestled in the center of the original Victoria Settlement which was a vibrant community of families from the many nearby river lots, Fort Victoria trading post, and the Victoria mission. Métis Crossing tells the story of the Alberta Métis, who are a distinct nation of Indigenous people whose diversity is woven together with strong commonalities. Through immersive interpretive programs that include Métis historical homesteads, land based learning opportunities, and the new Cultural Gathering Centre, visitors delight in authentic and meaningful experiences. Since being established, Métis Crossing has been a premiere place for the sharing of Métis culture, Métis gatherings, educational opportunities, and business development. »

-from Métis Crossing

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