Call for Submissions: Myseum Intersections 2022 (Toronto)

Call for Submissions: Myseum Intersections 2022 (Toronto)

« Myseum of Toronto is launching a call for submissions for our seventh annual Myseum Intersections festival.

Festival Dates: April 2022

Deadline: Monday Nov 2, 2020 @ 11:00PM

Myseum Intersections is an annual festival that will take place during the month of April 2022. The festival explores intersectional perspectives of Toronto through collaborative exhibits, events, and experiences. Intersections presents a wide array of programming intended to create dialogue on civic issues and inspire a deeper knowledge and appreciation of our city.

Project proposals can range from exhibitions to events such as walking tours, workshops, panel discussions, lectures, public programs, exhibition tours, community celebrations, interactive experiences, and performances. We prioritize participatory and co-created projects, and encourage collaborative partnerships between organizations, collectives and individuals. »

For more information, please visit:

-from Myseum of Toronto

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