Call for submissions of visual art from newcomers for art exhibit (MNLCT, Toronto)

Call for submissions of visual art from newcomers for art exhibit (MNLCT, Toronto)

MNLCT Opening Doors Art Gallery _ Call Out

Exhibition dates: May 23 – May 26, 2017
Location: MNLCT Victoria park site (3570 Victoria Park Ave, Suite 204. North York, On. M2H 3S2.)
* There is no submission fee for this event.

This is an open call to DIVERSE IMMIGRANT VISUAL ARTISTS to submit works of visual art to the Mennonite New Life Centre Toronto (MNLCT) OPENING DOORS Art Exhibition. This is a unique and temporal art exhibition that MNLCT will host to celebrate the opening of our Victoria Park location at 3570 Victoria Park Ave, Suite 204. North York, On. M2H 3S2.

Artwork should be on the theme of “OPENING DOORS” and be inspired by artists’ immigration experiences, and consistent with our organizational vision, mission, and anti-oppression statements. Using these criteria, a committee will assess all the submissions, make the final selections, and contact chosen artists to drop off their work. Each artist can summit/display up two pieces at the exhibition.

This art exhibition is open to immigrant visual artists ages 18 and older. Entries must address the theme of “OPENING DOORS” in some way. The Mennonite New Life Centre is committed to community equity initiatives. We encourage internationally trained artists and members of ethno-racial, Aboriginal, immigrant, refugee, LGBT and disabled community groups to participate and self-identify. Staff, volunteers, interns, Board of Directors members, and members of MNLCT, and community partners are also welcome to submit their work.

Attendees of the art exhibition will have the chance to vote for their favourite work. The winner will be announced on May 25, 2017.

Artists retain all copyrights to their artwork without exception and may use “OPENING DOORS – MNLCT Art Exhibition”, for the purposes of promoting their participation at the event. The artists grant to the MNLCT a non-exclusive right to use their names and pictures of submitted artwork for promotional use in connection with the opening.


  • Entry Deadline: May 8, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Artists accepted will be contacted by May 12
  • Artwork
  • Drop off: May 16 & May 17 (10:00 am to 2:00 pm)
  • Exhibition Dates: May 23 to May 26
  • Opening Door Art Exhibition Community Choice Award: May 25, 6:00 pm
  • Artwork Pick up: May 26 (3:00 pm to 5:00 pm)


  • The maximum artwork size is 70cm x 100cm inclusive of the frame, and the maximum weight is 15kg. Artwork sizes and weights are maintained to ensure we can manage the installation, display and safety of the artworks on the exhibition.
  • Artists can submit work ONLY in any of the following two dimensional medium: paintings, photography, drawing, and mixed media.
  • Artists must provide the easel to display each piece of artwork selected.
  • All artwork must have the artist’s name and contact information on the back.
  • Wet paint (oil paintings) will not be accepted.
  • Please avoid glass and very heavy art for safe keeping.


  • Read all information on this page carefully.
  • Send an e-mail to with a low-resolution picture of your artwork(s). Subject Line: « [ARTIST NAME] MNLCT Opening doors Art Exhibit” and with the following information:
    • Artist Name
    • Art Title(s)
    • Medium(s)
    • Dimensions (by cms)
    • Email
    • Phone Number
    • Postal Code
    • There is no submission fee for this event. »

-submitted by MNLCT

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