Call for Applications: RBC Arts Access Fund (Neighbourhood Arts Network) – Artbridges

Call for Applications: RBC Arts Access Fund (Neighbourhood Arts Network)

Call for Applications: RBC Arts Access Fund (Neighbourhood Arts Network)

« The RBC Arts Access Fund is designed to support newcomer artists across Toronto. The Funds range from $500 to $1500 and are intended to  support costs associated with arts projects, such as artist fees, art supplies, equipment rental, space rental and food costs for a workshop or event.

In addition to art projects, this fund also supports professional development, training and mentorship requests for newcomer artists looking to improve their skills in working with communities.

You are eligible to have support by other partners, organizations and artists, however the project itself should be your vision.

Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be:
– Residents of the City of Toronto for at least one year prior to the application deadline.
– Newcomers who have been in Canada between 1 and 7 years
– A permanent resident or Canadian citizen ​
– Be over 18 years old
– A member of Neighbourhood Arts Network, if you are not a member, sign up here

*Artists can receive only one RBC Arts Access Fund per year. »

For more information, please visit Neighbourhood Arts Network’s website.

-from Neighbourhood Arts Network
Read Neighbourhood Arts Network’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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