« Showcase your talents and have your creative work featured for friends and family to see at StArt Youth Presenting Art’s FREE art festival in Scarborough!
StArt YPA is looking for artists 16 and up to participate in their 9th annual festival on August 17th at Scarborough Village Recreation & Theatre. Send us a headshot, link/images of your work and a short artist statement. Full details are posted on their website: https://www.startypa.org/call-for-artists
You also must attend their open call audition/interviews on:
June 29th from 10am to 3pm
Christ Church, 155 Markham Rd in Scarborough.
First Come, First Seen.
Submission deadline: June 22nd, 2019
Apply Here: http://bit.ly/StArtYPA_CallForArtists »
-submitted by StArt YPA
Read SuiteLife Arts for Youth profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map