« Red Dress Productions invites artists to participate in Inkling Enacted: a collaborative creative process to develop themes, design, and a call for proposals for a festival of new performance works and works-in-progress that will take place at the Theatre Centre in May 2020, in Toronto.
Inkling is a series of workshops and events that centre disability and equity within collaborative artmaking.
We’re seeking Deaf, hearing, disabled and enabled artists interested in collaboratively developing a framework for a festival of new performance works emerging from diverse artistic traditions including theatre, music, dance, performance art, circus arts etc.
When & Where
February 1, 8, and 15, 2020 from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Jumblies Theatre at 132 Fort York Blvd, Toronto.
Access notes:
Artists will receive a participation honorarium. The venue is wheelchair accessible. ASL interpretation will be provided. We aim to be a scent-free environment.
RSVP by Friday January 24 via email tristan[at]reddressproductions.org with responses to these questions: Which dates will you participate in? Do you have food sensitivities, allergies, or other considerations? What access supports or provisions would enable your participation?
We gratefully acknowledge our funding partners: Toronto Arts Council (Strategic Funding), Ontario Arts Council, and Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Red Dress Productions (RDP) creates interdisciplinary art, performance, and visual public artworks. reddressproductions.org/inkling«
-from Red Dress Productions
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