Call to Community Artists: MixAbilities Inclusive Arts Training (H’art Centre, Kingston) – Artbridges

Call to Community Artists: MixAbilities Inclusive Arts Training (H’art Centre, Kingston)

Call to Community Artists: MixAbilities Inclusive Arts Training (H’art Centre, Kingston)

« Letters of Interest & Bio/Resume Due: April 30, 2021

H’art Centre invites Kingston’s artists and arts educators to apply to attend the upcoming round of MixAbilities inclusive arts training. We designed MixAbilities to help local artists/educators learn to:

1) Increase your awareness and understanding of inclusive and accessible arts.
2) Effectively and empathetically support an interested community of all abilities to participate or contribute to the arts.
3) Develop your skills and confidence as inclusive artists/educators, and;
4) Increase your knowledge and understanding of the value of arts for this population.

Our primary goal is to grow our roster of trained community artist-instructors. Many, after learning these basics, have used their skills in the H’art Studio program at H’art Centre and others have applied their expertise and adapted their learning in order to craft inclusive art experiences in the wider community. »

For more information, please visit:

-from H’art Centre

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