Call for Volunteers: Toronto Youth Shorts Film Festival – Artbridges

Call for Volunteers: Toronto Youth Shorts Film Festival

Call for Volunteers: Toronto Youth Shorts Film Festival

« Toronto Youth Shorts is Ontario’s largest youth-focused film festival, run by a volunteer force of savvy young professionals with a passion for the arts and visual storytelling. We are currently seeking long-term dedicated volunteers to assist with programming short film content for the 13th edition of the film festival.Programmers would work with the Festival Director in reviewing festival submissions, providing a critical eye that helps determine the festival’s film lineup. The ideal candidate will be a young professional with relevant experience in arts programming and curation, as well as interest in visual storytelling and cinema.

BIPOC candidates and those that identify as being from underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to apply. 

If you have skills or previous experience that can apply to such a role, and you are interested in working with a small team as part of a established film festival celebrated by the community, this is a great opportunity for you. The commitment for the team is to review film content online and meet once every two weeks virtually to discuss the film content. Our flexible schedule allows for candidates to work or study while simultaneously performing the duties required by the festival. 

How to Apply
If you are interested in helping out at this year’s festival, please send a resume to Henry Wong, Festival Director at torontoyouthshorts[at] along with a statement on why you would like to join and what you bring to the table. Please include « 2022 Festival Programmer » in the subject line. Application deadline is April 29, 2022. »

For more information, please visit:

-from Toronto Youth Shorts

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