Conferences, Education & Training

NextUp! Leaders Lab (SKETCH)

« NextUp! Leaders Lab is a 12-month pilot co-learning initiative beginning April 2021 involving training, mentorship, and skills exchange that supports young racialized arts leaders and managers age 18-35, with a priority on those identifying as Black and Indigenous, strategically leading their own arts initiatives and preparing for senior-level positions in

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Table-ronde sur le cirque social et ses bienfaits sur la santé mentale des jeunes / Panel: Social Circus and its Benefits on the Wellbeing of Young People (Mar 24, online)

« Nous vous convions le 24 mars prochain à un panel de discussion virtuel sur les bienfaits du cirque social sur la santé mentale des jeunes, particulièrement en temps de pandémie. 4 invité.es nous présenteront chacun.e leur perspective sur le sujet, le tout animé par Mariano Lopez, spécialiste en santé mentale. 

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iAM Registration is Open! JAYU: youth-led arts & social justice mentorship to anyone ages 12-26, across Ontario

« Welcome to the registration page for the iAM Program!The iAM Program provides youth-led arts & social justice mentorship to anyone ages 12-26, across Ontario, Canada. All programming is currently ONLINE. We will continue to review programming formatsduring the COVID-19 pandemic. Are you interested in making art? Growing your storytelling skills?

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Creative Community Recovery Webinar (Culture Days)

« The arts and culture sector—a network known for resiliency, creativity, and collaborative efforts—has been particularly devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Arts, culture, and heritage are invaluable to community identity, and therefore play a central role in reshaping and reimagining local life. In the continuation and eventual aftermath of social, environmental,

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Yue Moon: A CreateSpace Artist Talk (STEPS)

« Building upon last year’s Yue Moon project, artists PUFF Paddy and Winnie Truong explored themes of cultural identity and community using new media, fabrication, and craft in the facilitation of virtual group workshops, resulting in the presentation of two unique, community co-created public artworks. To cap off the 2021 Lunar New Year Celebrations and another successful

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