Events – Artbridges


The 7th Annual Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival (October 12-17)

« The 7th Annual Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival, presented by the Community Arts Council of Vancouver (CACV), offers opportunities for exhibition, performance, connection and learning to visual and performing artists who self-identify as outsiders. The Festival will showcase the work of over 40 visual artists, which will be available for purchase

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Culture Days 2023 (Sept 22 – Oct 15)

« Culture Days is Here! The creative adventure begins with over 2,000 free arts and culture events and activities The wait is over. A creative choose-your-own-adventure awaits with Culture Days! Tomorrow, three weeks of arts and cultural celebrations kick off with more than 2,000 in-person and online experiences, activities and events

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Yukon Riverside Arts Festival (June 1-4)

« The Yukon Riverside Arts Festival has been proudly presented by the Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC) since 2001. It is a celebration of arts, music, and culture featuring the work of local and regional artists, artisans, and crafters across a wide range of mediums. The festival includes workshops,

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Pendaison de crémaillère- nouvel espace Cirque Hors Piste (25 mai, Montréal)

« Nous organisons un événement festif pour inaugurer notre nouvel espace dans le quartier Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve! Ce nouveau pôle circassien est un projet innovant où cohabitent cirque social, services aux artistes, laboratoire de création et loisirs circassiens. Cette nouvelle maison pour Cirque Hors Piste devient le premier lieu dédié au cirque social,

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Newcomer Week (May 22-27, Neighbourhood Arts Network)

« Join us as we celebrate Newcomer Week from May 22-27, 2023. Newcomer Week is an annual event organized by NAN along with the City of Toronto, ImagineNative, Doris McCarthy Gallery, Muse Arts and Toronto Arts Council,, to welcome and celebrate newcomers in Toronto. Throughout the week, there will be a

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Lancement annuel 2023 du Wapikoni

« Notre lancement annuel aura lieu le vendredi 12 mai prochain à 19 h au Cinéma du Musée, à Montréal. UNE SOIRÉE SOUS LE SIGNE DU PARTAGE ET DE LA FIERTÉ ! Animée par Mélanie Alasie Napartuk, animatrice, comédienne et conférencière Inuk, cette soirée mettra en lumière les artistes de notre

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Cuisine ta ville 2023 (5 au 14 mai, ATSA)

« Cuisine ta ville est un rendez-vous unique qui regroupe une grande diversité d’expériences gratuites alliant partage et art autour d’enjeux migratoires et d’intégration culturelle.  Il y a plusieurs manières de commémorer nos 25 ans et l’une d’elle est d’être en ébullition pour vous offrir une quatrième édition de Cuisine ta ville sur 10 jours,

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Vancouver International Children’s Festival (May 30 – June 4)

« The longest-running professional performing arts festival for young audiences and the first of its kind in North America and Europe, the Vancouver International Children’s Festival presents the world’s finest music, theatre, dance, puppetry, acrobatics and storytelling, as well as creative arts activities for the entire family. Families come from near and

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Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts 2023

« Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts is a community-based festival which annually presents new works by a diverse and broad range of artists, who are both workers and activists. Our programming presents bold, insightful, responses to pressing issues at the intersection of art, social justice and labour.  Mayworks prioritizes

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