Input Needed & Knowledge Exchange

Deadline Today! – Submit your ArtBridges award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 6th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. We would like to take this opportunity to help lift up community-engaged arts initiatives during the pandemic. We’d like to highlight your stories of innovation, resiliency, and creativity during these unbelievably

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Submit your ArtBridges award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 6th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. We would like to take this opportunity to help lift up community-engaged arts initiatives during the pandemic. We’d like to highlight your stories of innovation, resiliency, and creativity during these unbelievably

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Submit your ArtBridges award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 6th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. We would like to take this opportunity to help lift up community-engaged arts initiatives during the pandemic. We’d like to highlight your stories of innovation, resiliency, and creativity during these unbelievably

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Submit your ArtBridges award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 6th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. We would like to take this opportunity to help lift up community-engaged arts initiatives during the pandemic. We’d like to highlight your stories of innovation, resiliency, and creativity during these unbelievably

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Submit your ArtBridges award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 6th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. We would like to take this opportunity to help lift up community-engaged arts initiatives during the pandemic. We’d like to highlight your stories of innovation, resiliency, and creativity during these unbelievably

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Call for Donations (Sudbury Street Arts)

« Sudbury Street Arts launched in the fall of 2019 as a weekly arts drop-in space reserved for low-income folks and homeless and/or street involved people. Each Wednesday we’d gather as community members with mixed and shared experiences of homelessness, extreme poverty, immigration, queer identity, gender-based violence, disability, Indigeneity and racialization,

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Sharing An Open Letter from SKETCH: ensuring that we stay accountable to our Black youth artists, staff and the Black community at large

« You really want that utopian ideal of what our world could be? You want to be proudly and ACTIVELY anti-racist, more than fearing being called a racist? I want that for you too.⁣ If so, then do the work, educate yourself and others stand by us loudly, consistently, FOREVER. » –

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Creative Isolation (MARCH Network)

Covid-19 and Social Isolation « As a mental health network (MARCH Network) focused on the power of bringing people together with social, cultural and community assets, Covid-19 has thrown us a unique challenge.  With more people socially and physically distancing themselves, we want to share some home-based, creative ways to support

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