Resources – Page 6 – Artbridges


ArtTransforms Series Episode 4: Art Impassions

« SKETCH and their partners at TraffikGroup are proud to launch their web series #ArtTransforms: six 90-second video vignettes in which young people reveal their own personal Art Transforms story. The series covers themes like mental health, inclusion, entrepreneurship, and more. Young people share how engaging in the arts at SKETCH has

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ArtTransforms Series Episode 3: Art Inspires

« SKETCH and their partners at TraffikGroup are proud to launch their web series #ArtTransforms: six 90-second video vignettes in which young people reveal their own personal Art Transforms story. The series covers themes like mental health, inclusion, entrepreneurship, and more. Young people share how engaging in the arts at SKETCH has

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Resource Highlight | Expressing Vibrancy

Expressing Vibrancy CoBALT Connects | ON | 2015 CoBALT Connects, CRUNCH Lab, LIVE Lab, Centre for Community Study, City of Hamilton « Expressing Vibrancy is a research project that looks at neighbourhoods through the lens of culture…In its simplest form, Expressing Vibrancy’s aim is to answer the question of what makes

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ArtTransforms Series Episode 2: Art Speaks

« SKETCH and their partners at TraffikGroup are proud to launch their web series #ArtTransforms: six 90-second video vignettes in which young people reveal their own personal Art Transforms story. The series covers themes like mental health, inclusion, entrepreneurship, and more. Young people share how engaging in the arts at SKETCH has

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Resource Highlight | Using the Creative Arts For Transformational Learning

Using the Creative Arts For Transformational Learning Jumblies Theatre, The Canadian Popular Theatre Alliance of Nova Scotia, and People Development NS | 2015 Tessa Mendel « Grounded in a theoretical and practical exploration of critical approaches to personal and social change, Using the Creative Arts for Transformational Learning offers educators, artists,

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ArtTransforms Series Episode 1: Art Heals (Sketch)

« SKETCH and their partners at TraffikGroup are proud to launch their web series #ArtTransforms: six 90-second video vignettes in which young people reveal their own personal Art Transforms story. The series covers themes like mental health, inclusion, entrepreneurship, and more. Young people share how engaging in the arts at SKETCH has

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Resource Highlight | Choreographic Play: Investigating Dynamic Choreographic Engagement with all Bodies

Choreographic Play: Investigating Dynamic Choreographic Engagement with all Bodies York University | ON | 2016 Michelle Ann Silagy « Choreographic Play: Investigating Dynamic Choreographic Engagement with all Bodies is informed by the burgeoning trend to include multi-ability bodies in the practice of contemporary dance. An important aspect of this research addresses

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Resource Highlight | Why the Caged Bird Sings: Radical Inclusivity, Sonic Survivance and the Collective Ownership of Freedom Songs + Tools

Why the Caged Bird Sings: Radical Inclusivity, Sonic Survivance and the Collective Ownership of Freedom Songs + Tools OCADU | ON | 2015 Cheryl L’Hirondelle « This thesis, by way of deep reflection and truthful recounting, pays homage to six different groups of predominately Indigenous incarcerated women and detained male youth,

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