
All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz in the News (Regina)

All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz (ANHTA) was featured in Regina newspaper, Leader Post. In the story, ANHTA founder, Monica Fogel, shares the troubled past that inspired her to reach out to Regina’s at-risk youth, many of which live in North Central, an area that was once declared « Canada’s worst neighbourhood »

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Trace Project Engages Community in Creation of Massive Sculpture for Canadian Museum for Human Rights (Winnipeg)

« Winnipeg artist, Rebecca Belmore invites the people of Winnipeg to participate in the creation of TRACE, a large sculpture/installation being made for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, opening in Winnipeg in September 2014. Thousands of hand-pressed beads using clay from beneath the city of Winnipeg need to be created

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