From January 16 to 19, 2020 Cirque Hors Piste presents Cirkaskina – the first National Social Circus Gathering!
« 150 young people from 17 Canadian communities–from Nunavut to Vancouver–will gather in Montreal for this historic 3-day event. Besides being a showcase for circus arts as a tool for social change, the gathering will provide opportunities to exchange ideas, build relationships, and share expertise. The event will also create spaces where marginalized young people can express themselves.
DAY 1 – Scientific symposium on social circus and large-scale public evening at Tohu
DAY 2 – Exchange workshops and performance for and by the young people at the Conseil des arts de Montréal
DAY 3 – Jam and collective talk at the 7 doigts de la main headquarters »
For more information, please visit Cirkaskina’s website.
-from Cirque Hors Piste
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