Community Artist Leadership Training Program – SKETCH (Toronto)

Community Artist Leadership Training Program – SKETCH (Toronto)

sketch-homeiswhere« 4 spots in SKETCH’s Community Artist Leadership Training Program – DEADLINE May 24!

SKETCH is accepting applications from youth aged 15-29 to the Community Artist Leadership Program. Through extensive training and hands-on experience, emerging youth leaders will develop skills in and understanding of Community Arts Practices, both in SKETCH and in the community. There are 4 positions available. This is a full time opportunity, 30 hours per week for 52 weeks (July 9, 2012 – July 8 2013). Applicants must be currently receiving Ontario Works in order to be eligible. Check out the application form, attached. Deadline for Applications: May 24, 2012 by 4pm. Give your application to a SKETCH coordinator, email, or drop it off at 180 Sudbury (south of Queen and Gladstone, in a condo building)

Come celebrate SKETCH’s last day at Parkdale Neighbourhood Church, Thursday May 31st, 12-4!
Parkdale Neighbourhood Church will be closing their space at the end of May, so SKETCH will no longer be holding Open Studio there after May 31st. Come join us on May 31st, 12-4, for food, music, creative workshops… and to celebrate the wonderful time we’ve spent at PNC! »

-Submitted by Sonya Reynolds, Program Administrator, SKETCH Working Arts

For more information on SKETCH,  read our profile on SKETCH.
Please see ArtBridges’ Google map for contact information.

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