Community Arts Education: Best Practices – Livestream – Artbridges

Community Arts Education: Best Practices – Livestream

Community Arts Education: Best Practices – Livestream

« Come hang out with us from the comfort of your own laptop on August 20th at 12:30 p.m. for a live stream video! Sun of ‘Voice of Purpose’ will elaborate on her thoughts shared in the Community Arts Education: Best Practices resource she wrote for our Learning Room. You will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion live with the chat function, so feel free to bring questions!

Read the written component to wrap your head around the basics in advance here:

About the facilitator:
SUN – the Phoenix (formerly known as The Real Sun) has been an Artist Educator and a leader in community arts organizing since 2005. She is a (r)evolutionary and healer with a calling to support artists through the journey of becoming empowered educators and agents of social change. As the creator and director of Voice of Purpose, Sun has been blazing a path through the development of Purpose Rooted Arts Education as a pedagogical framework for facilitating transformative arts education. Sun has played key leadership and co-creational roles in several respected and award-winning community arts organizations in the Jane-Finch community of Toronto. She has also sat on Grant Review Committees for a number of Arts funders in Ontario. Sun is formally trained in Psychotherapy, Bio-Energetic Therapy, and Energy Healing. Sun is a multidisciplinary artist whose current primary practice is Brazilian Zouk dance; however, her professional artistic career has spanned modalities including Spoken Word Poetry, Singing/Songwriting (Acoustic Soul), Rap, Theatre, and Visual Arts. Originally born in Korea, Sun is now based in Toronto, Ontario. »

-from Neighbourhood Arts Network
Read Neighbourhood Arts Network’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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