Community Arts Ontario: Arts Worker Health Insurance Program – Artbridges

Community Arts Ontario: Arts Worker Health Insurance Program

Community Arts Ontario: Arts Worker Health Insurance Program


Arts Worker Health Insurance Program

« Community Arts Ontario is excited to announce the launch of the Arts Worker Health Insurance Program (AWHIP).
As most of you know it has been very difficult for people in the arts industry to have access to affordable health insurance programs. CultureONE recently announced the first phase of a new Arts Worker Health Insurance Program (AWHIP). Brokers Mainway Hunter Creighton Employee Benefits and their affiliated Arts & Entertainment Division, have designed a plan that covers either your day to day health expenses or catastrophic issues, like an out of country illness.
The Program features multiple plan options including:
  • accidental insurance ranging from $30,000 to $75,000
  • weekly accident indemnity
  • healthcare coverage including a prescription drug card
  • vision care, and
  • dental care
To be eligible you must be either a self-employed arts worker who is a member in good standing with one of the participating Arts Service Organizations (ASOs), to which Community Arts Ontario (CAO) belongs. Individual membership at Community Arts Ontario is only $25 per year and you can pay online at

In order for AWHIP to be viable, cultureONE needs at least 110 more members committed to join the plan prior to going live with the enrolment. Express your interest to participate in AWHIP today by filling out the online form at You can also find answers to frequently asked questions and more information about at »

-posted with permission from Steve Khan, Community Arts Ontario

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