Community Engagement in Covid-19: A Practitioner-led Panel (April 29)

Community Engagement in Covid-19: A Practitioner-led Panel (April 29)

Join community-engaged practitioners in conversation about adapting participatory work to online and remote contexts.

« Learn how community-engaged practitioners working across the fields of participatory research, participatory visual methods, community arts, and community facilitation have adapted their participatory work and facilitation to online and remote contexts, and the unique ethical and pedagogical opportunities and tensions that arise. There will also be opportunities to network with others.

This event is open to students, community-engaged practitioners, community artists, participatory researchers, and anyone interested in the field.

Speakers will include Ananya Banerjee, Adam Barrett, Jessica Bleuer, Lori Chambers and Khari McClelland, and the event will be moderated by Sarah Switzer. Speaker details can be found below.

The event Zoom link will be sent closer to the date. For registration questions, please contact naima.raza[at] For questions about the project, please contact sarah.switzer[at]

Flyer created by Andrea Vela Alarcon (@its.allegra)

This event is co-sponsored by the Youth Research Lab at OISE, Gendering Adolescent AIDS Prevention at New College, Neighbourhood Arts Network, the Centre for Community Partnerships, and a group of community-engaged practitioners working across community and academic fields. The event is funded by the New College Initiatives Fund (NCIF) at New College, University of Toronto.

This event is part of a 2-part event series. On May 20, 2021 from 3:00-5:00pm we will launch some audio-visual resources to help practitioners think through remote/online facilitation with communities. We will also present findings from an affiliated study about how community-engaged practitioners are adapting their participatory practice as a result of covid-19. Join us in our community of practice to learn more! »

For more information, please visit:

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