Community Engagement in the Arts – Couch Conference Edition (Rotary Arts Centre, Corner Brook) – Artbridges

Community Engagement in the Arts – Couch Conference Edition (Rotary Arts Centre, Corner Brook)

Community Engagement in the Arts – Couch Conference Edition (Rotary Arts Centre, Corner Brook)

« Join artists/community leaders Jane Walker (Union House Arts), Sally Wolchyn-Raab (Eyelevel Gallery), and Melissa Tremblett (Visual Artist) for a Community Engagement in the Arts event hosted via the online platform: BlueJeans. The event will take place on (Day 1) Thursday March 26th from 1:30 – 3:30pm and (Day 2) Friday March 27th from 1:30 – 3:30pm.

Day 1: Thursday March 26, 2020 (1:30 – 3:30pm)
What does community engagement in the arts look like?
How can we/you foster sustainable and mutual community based arts initiatives?
What does community engagement look like in a time of social distancing and isolation?

Day 2: Friday March 27, 2020 (1:30 – 3:30pm)
Day 2 will be a ‘best practices/tool-kit building workshop’ where participants will develop upon the previous day’s discussion to think through how one participates/collaborates/initiates such community-engagement opportunities. »

For more details and to register:

-from Rotary Arts Centre

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