Theatre for Living: « Corporations in our Heads » (BC & Alberta Tour) – Artbridges

Theatre for Living: « Corporations in our Heads » (BC & Alberta Tour)

Theatre for Living: « Corporations in our Heads » (BC & Alberta Tour)

Corporations in our Heads

Theatre for Living (formerly Headlines Theatre) presents
Corporations in our Heads (the Vancouver/BC/Alberta Tour)
No actors. No play. No script. Theatre without a net.

« The messages from corporations tell us hundreds of times a day, in ways we may not notice anymore, how to relate to each other and to ourselves; what to buy, how to feel, how to perceive and the kind of person to aspire to be. Can we use the theatre to become aware of these messages, and to change our relationships to them, to live healthier and more sustainable lives with each other, with ourselves, and with the planet?

Corporations in our Heads hopes to be more than just an investigation – we have a desire to move into transformative action! By making each event relevant, at a grassroots level, our hope is that each unique community along with the local organizers can then use that momentum to move forward on community issues. We are touring a process in which the whole evening of theatre emerges from the audience. Each night is focused on identifying the corporate messages that are present and seeking ways to change our relationship to those messages that are healthier for us as individuals, as living communities and as a result, for the planet. Sounds heavy, but it’s a great deal of fun and no one is forced to participate!

Where: 22 Communities across BC and Alberta. 7 performances in Vancouver, BC
When: Oct 10 – Dec 8, 2013
For full itinerary: »

2 degrees (credit: Tim Matheson)photo credit: Tim Matheson

Follow their tour blog, where they will be updating as as the tour goes along:
Find the Facebook event here:
Their twitter is @theatre4living and the hashtag they’ll be using is #Corporations2013
The project website is available here:

-submitted by Liza Lundgren, Outreach Coordinator, Theatre For Living

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