March 9. March 22. April 5, 2017
Hosted by SKETCH and Neighbourhood Arts Network
Entering its third year, Courage Lab has brought together diverse artists, educators, organizers and activists to courageously investigate, share and experiment with concepts, ideas, tools and practices for exploring equity, race, reconciliation and anti-oppression through the arts!
This spring will build on past themes to explore intersectionality, transformative justice and organizational equity in creative, participatory and art-based ways, led by an incredible line up of established artists, activists and facilitators.
Featured guest facilitators and artists will be announced just prior to each event!
Admission is free. Food will be served.
The hands-on, arts centred series will include:
Intersectionality and our Collective Practices
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Time : 6-9pm
Location: SKETCH Studios, 180 Shaw Street, Artscape Youngplace, between Queen & Dundas project studio on the lower level!
We are excited to announce that melannie moneceros will be our guest artist leading the focus of our upcoming Courage Lab (March 9) alongside artist-facilitators Naty Tremblay and Ella Cooper!
Together with melanie we will explore the theme of intersectionality, collaboration and accessibility through an interactive evening workshop. Here we will use creative exploration, self reflection and a group lab format to invite participants to courageously look at the many intersections of anti-oppression in our work as artists and how we can create programs and projects that meet these intersections.
Space is limited. Food will be served. Accessible space. Scent free environment.
Transformative Justice and Creative Organizing
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Time : 6-9pm
Location: SKETCH
Building Equity and Anti-Oppression in Arts Organizations, Institutions and Systems
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Time : 6-9pm
Location : TBD
Sign up for one or come to all!
The Courage Lab series builds on the on going Emergence partnership initiative led by SKETCH and Neighbourhood Arts Network, focused on provided space to investigate creative practices for leading social change in the arts in Toronto.
Wheelchair Accessible.
Scent free environment.
Whisper translation and ASL available upon request.
In thanks to the Mississaugas of the New Credit, Haudenoshonee, Wendat and Metis people, the past and current stewards of the land on which we work and play. These events are made possible with support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. »
For more information, please visit Neighbourhood Arts Network
From Neighbourhood Arts Network website
Visit SKETCH’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map
Visit Neighbourhood Arts Network’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map