Cowichan Aboriginal Festival of Film & Art, April 23-26 (Duncan, BC)

Cowichan Aboriginal Festival of Film & Art, April 23-26 (Duncan, BC)


« This festival marks our 10th anniversary. We invite you to come and take part in four days of great films, inspiring festival events, ceremony and celebrations. There is something for everyone. »

Download festival line-up here.

For more info contact:
Louise McMurray
(250) 746-7930

Cowichan Theatre (located in the Island Savings Centre)
2687 James Street, Duncan, BC
(250) 746-7930

Submitted by Louise McMurray, Cowichan Intercultural Festival of Film & Art Society
Read Cowichan Intercultural Festival of Film & Art Society’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory & Map

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