Register: CreateSpace Reimagining Community Engagement Panel Talk – Artbridges

Register: CreateSpace Reimagining Community Engagement Panel Talk

Register: CreateSpace Reimagining Community Engagement Panel Talk

« Bringing practitioners together in conversation to reimagine community engagement to support the development of equitable, accessible and welcoming public art and spaces.

Communities provide a wealth of perspectives and insights that can enrich a multitude of projects. Whether it be a public art piece, a social innovation initiative, policy development or a community building program – we must explore how we can best engage our communities to ensure their perspectives are meaningfully considered in our plans and solutions.


In this STEPS CreateSpace/Shaping Space panel, moderator Anna Jane McIntyre (Quebec) will be joined by panelists Lindsey Lickers, Mushkiiki Nibi Kwe (Ontario), Jaime Calayo (Alberta) and Kayla Bernard (Nova Scotia) to reimagine community engagement and discuss different approaches that can help us adapt how we engage and how we can build trust with the individuals, organized groups, associations and institutions that all co-exists in the communities we live and work in. The discourse in this panel aims to enrich our understanding of why implementing community engagement is vital to generating more inclusive spaces. 

Presented by STEPS Public Art and the STEPS Shaping Space project, this free workshop is offered as part of the 2022 CreateSpace Public Art Residency.

Hosted via Zoom and broadcasted on Facebook Live via @STEPSPublicArt.


JULY 27, 2022
6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM ET »

For more information, please visit:

-from STEPS Public Art

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