Cripping the Arts 2019 (Toronto)

Cripping the Arts 2019 (Toronto)

« British Council, Creative Users Projects, Tangled Art + Disability, Ryerson University and Harbourfront Centre present Cripping the Arts 2019.

Cripping the Arts 2019 is three days of programming – panel discussions, co-creative workshops, exhibitions and performances – animating how Deaf, Mad, and Disability Arts and activism changes how we experience art and culture as well as the ways our sector contributes, and leads to, the achievements of disability rights and justice movements.

We invite you to join us as we explore, debate, and share emerging ideas and practices that relate to representation and new models of leadership, disability culture in an increasingly digital world, and working in solidarity between disability rights, racial justice, decoloniality, and Indigenous sovereignty. »

For more information, please visit Harbourfront Centre’s website.

-from Harbourfront Centre

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