Support for emerging young artists who live and work on the margins in Toronto (CUE)

Support for emerging young artists who live and work on the margins in Toronto (CUE)

CUE Artist Callout 2014

CUE Artist Grants:
ARTISTS APPLY FOR $1000 TO MAKE AN ART PROJECT: CUE is a radical arts initiative dedicated to supporting new generation artists (15-29 yrs. old) who live and work on the margins in Toronto. Artists working in any discipline may apply.
INFO SESSION: April 28, 6 – 8 p.m. @ SKETCH Working Arts, 180 Shaw Street, Suite 201. You must speak with CUE before submitting a proposal.
Please see website for Guidelines and Application.
DEADLINE: June 5, 2014 (at 11:59-and-a-half p.m.).

CUE Writer's Bursary Callout

CUE Literary Grants:
Writers – apply for $500 to work on a literary project! CUE is a radical arts initiative dedicated to supporting emerging artists (15-29 yrs. old) who live and work on the margins in Toronto. The CUE Writer’s Bursary is intended to provide basic sustenance support to emerging writers wishing to complete or develop short literary projects. In addition, bursary recipients will gain access to individual mentorship with a professional creative writing instructor.
For eligibility, guidelines, and application visit Contact Benjamin Hackman, Literary Arts Coordinator, at
DEADLINE: June 5, 2014 at 11:59-and-a-half p.m.

-submitted by Sonya Reynolds, Program Administrator, SKETCH Working Arts
Read SKETCH’s profile in our Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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