CUE Arts Grants for Youth (Toronto) – Artbridges

CUE Arts Grants for Youth (Toronto)

CUE Arts Grants for Youth (Toronto)

CUE Artist Callout

Do you have an urgent idea for an art project?

CUE is a radical arts initiative dedicated to supporting emerging artists (under 30 yrs. old) who live and work on the margins, and face barriers to connecting with arts funding and support. Do you need funding and support to make it happen? Artists working in any discipline can apply for up to $1000 to create a project.

DROP-IN DATES: CUE Program Facilitator Elisha Lim will be at 180 Sudbury St. (CUE and SKETCH office) to consult with you on your project proposal: October 15, October 22, November 1, November 5, November 15, 1-5 p.m.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: NOVEMBER 15, 2013. Contact You must speak with CUE before submitting an application. See website for more info and application/guidelines. Check out for more info. »

-submitted by Sonya Reynolds, SKETCH

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsor

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