Dawson Film Lab (KIAC) – Artbridges

Dawson Film Lab (KIAC)

Dawson Film Lab (KIAC)

« The Dawson Film Lab is a unique filmmaking experience taking place in Dawson City, August 25-30.

A 5 day short film event in which 8 filmmakers participate in a collaborative exchange of ideas and knowledge and produce short films in 5 days. The Lab will end with a screening event on August 30, to view the works made during the week.

There are still a few spots open for participants! (Travel assistance available for participants outside Dawson City). $100 Fee to work alongside other amazing filmmakers. »

For more information, please visit: https://kiac.ca/2019/05/25/dawson-film-lab/

-from Klondike Institute of Art and Culture
Read KIAC’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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