Discovering Delight: Creative Writing Workshop for BIPOC Creatives (Regent Park Film Festival) – Artbridges

Discovering Delight: Creative Writing Workshop for BIPOC Creatives (Regent Park Film Festival)

Discovering Delight: Creative Writing Workshop for BIPOC Creatives (Regent Park Film Festival)

« For those of us who identify as Indigenous, Black, and/or people of colour, we are asked all too often to default to our stories of hardships, trauma, and oppression. But we are all of that and so much more. Our stories are beautiful, heartbreaking, uplifting, contradictory, and constantly unfolding. What does it mean to lather ourselves in joy? To indulge ourselves in delight? This writing workshop is an attempt to dip our toes in exactly that. No writing experience necessary! »

For more information, please visit:

-from Regent Park Film Festival

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