Downtown Eastside Community Arts Fund Program & Grant-Writing Workshop (Community Arts Council of Vancouver)

Downtown Eastside Community Arts Fund Program & Grant-Writing Workshop (Community Arts Council of Vancouver)


Community Arts Council: Downtown Eastside Community Arts Fund Program

« Applications for up to $5000.00 in partnership funding towards a community arts project are due on April 15, 2014! Eligible applicants are registered societies within the Downtown Eastside, and projects must involve collaboration with a professional artist or artists and take place between September 1, 2014, and August 31, 2015. Find the application package on our website at

Grant-Writing Workshop March 15 – Register Now!

If you are a Downtown Eastside organization or a community-engaged artist interested in learning more about our Community Arts Fund program, or if you would just like to build some grant-writing muscle, register to attend our last information session/grant-writing workshop. Participants had this to say about the first workshops: « I felt as if it was invaluable, especially the budgetary and critical thinking components. » « For me this was a fantastic introduction to grant writing. » In the workshop, we use a case study to learn to write a clear budget and discuss aspects of a strong proposal. There will also be opportunity to work on participants’ current applications, and clarify questions specific to the Community Arts Fund program.

Upcoming session:
Saturday March 15 12pm – 3pm
W2 Meeting Room, 2nd Floor Woodwards Building

To register or for more information, contact Kelty: »

-submitted by Tatyana Slavkova, Community Arts Council of Vancouver
Read Community Arts Council of Vancouver’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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