East End Arts: launch of free arts networking events for Toronto’s east end – Artbridges

East End Arts: launch of free arts networking events for Toronto’s east end

East End Arts: launch of free arts networking events for Toronto’s east end

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« East End Arts is pleased to announce its first set of free arts networking events for Toronto’s east end. The following events are open to artists and community members, and are opportunities for arts enthusiasts of all sorts to meet each other through participating in friendly, enjoyable activities.

Thursday DECEMBER 12, 7-9pm: Connecting the Dots. Share your talents with other artists and community members at Red Rocket Coffee, 1364 Danforth Avenue. A family-friendly networking event for artists and community members in East End and beyond. All creative interests, levels and ages. Bring your artwork and share your thoughts.

Sunday JANUARY 5, 7-10pm: Twelfth Night on the Twelfth Night. Read a part in Shakespeare’s classic at Du Cafe, 885 O’Connor Drive. A fun, casual networking event for lovers of Shakespeare. After a short introduction, participants will draw roles randomly and dive into the text.

Friday JANUARY 17, 7-9pm: Visual Artists Show & Share. Receive and share friendly feedback on your visual artwork at Art Cave, 155 Lamb Avenue. Participants are invited to bring 1-3 pieces of their work for discussion. More information and online registration can be found at www.eastendarts.ca. More networking activities will be announced in February 2014.

These events are being held in response to feedback gathered during community consultations held by East End Arts throughout the summer of 2013. Over 200 community members contributed to an online survey and in person, indicating a desire for more networking opportunities for east end arts professionals and enthusiasts.

East End Arts is a new arts organization dedicated to providing arts services to the east end community. It is the sixth designated ‘Local Arts Service Organization’, funded directly through the city, in Toronto. The others are: Arts Etobicoke, Lakeshore Arts, North York Arts, Scarborough Arts and UrbanArts. The mandate of East End Arts is to develop and promote quality community arts in Toronto’s wards 29, 30, 31, 32. »

-from East End Arts press release, November 25 2013
Read East End Arts’ profile in our Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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