Town Hall: Eighth Street Skatepark Mural Revitalization Project (Lakeshore Arts) – Artbridges

Town Hall: Eighth Street Skatepark Mural Revitalization Project (Lakeshore Arts)

Town Hall: Eighth Street Skatepark Mural Revitalization Project (Lakeshore Arts)

« This Summer 2018, Lakeshore Arts is planning a large mural revitalization project of the Eighth Street skatepark in partnership with StreetARToronto, Toronto Police Service 22 Division, and Toronto Skateboarding Committee. Located in the New Toronto neighbourhood, the Eighth Street Skatepark serves as a hub for skate enthusiasts and local residents. This project aims to replace the current tags and graffiti vandalism found within the park with a series of new murals created by professional artists in consultation with the community.

Join us for a presentation about the project to-date, followed by an open-format discussion about the future goals for the project, including mural themes, artist applications, the selection process, and gather community feedback.

Addtional meeting dates and locations:

– Thursday, 22 March – 7-9pm – LAMP Community Health Centre, Community Room (185 Fifth St)

– Thursday, 12 April – 7-9pm – Lakeshore Arts, Community Project Space (2422 Lake Shore Blvd. W.) »

-submitted by Lakeshore Arts
Read Lakeshore Arts’ profile on ArtBridges’ Directory and Map of Community-Engaged Arts

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