Event: Ode’min Giizis Festival, June 20 – 24 (Peterborough, ON) – Artbridges

Event: Ode’min Giizis Festival, June 20 – 24 (Peterborough, ON)

Event: Ode’min Giizis Festival, June 20 – 24 (Peterborough, ON)


« The Ode’min Giizis Festival is presented by O’Kaadenigan Wiingashk (OKW) and Public Energy in Peterborough, Ontario. From June 20-24 2012, Indigenous artists, including musicians, performers, visual artists, writers, storytellers, artisans, and dancers will gather to expand our imagination and dreams while pushing the boundaries of their art forms. »

For more information visit http://okw-arts.ca/festival/.
Click here for the full festival schedule and here for a complete list of workshops.

To read ArtBridges’ full profile on O’Kaadenigan Wiingashk (OKW) click here.

Please see ArtBridge’s Google Map for contact information.

Submitted by Patti Shaughnessy, O’Kaadenigan Wiingashk

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